January/February '08

March 7, 2008

Last night was the final service of the first ever week-long gathering among our four independent Baptist churches in Abuja. Truth Baptist Church conducted a Revival Meeting with missionary-evangelist Yinka Fasinro, who has newly arrived from the states to begin his full-time ministry in Nigeria. Our church showed their excitement on the very first night by setting a new record for Sunday evening attendance with 98 present. The next four nights were capped off by a crowd of 180 at our Thursday mid-week service as three sister churches brought vanloads of their members to be a part of the conference. In the thirty-three months of being here, I’ve never experienced a better spirit than we had for the preaching, praying, and singing during this first week in March.
During the revival, Missionary Ron Gensaw and I brought the evangelist to a village church with two recently added chapels that have been growing. It was a two-hour drive through dirt roads [and creeks, on video] to reach the first village. The results were worth the trip, however, as Bro. Fasinro was able to baptize 27 that had been saved through the outreach ministries.

At the beginning of last month, I traveled eight hours to Ogbomoso with the two independent Baptist national pastors in our city where I was privileged to conduct the 4th Anniversary Service for another national pastor. The day after, a pastors’ fellowship was planned, and I was able to preach to over twenty pastors after telling them about our work and future ministries. My goal is to schedule a meeting like this at least once a month to encourage our Nigerian pastors and also “spread the word” about our Bible College plans.

With the success of our Revival Meeting, our church members are already anticipating the other conferences we have planned for this year. I had a church calendar printed mainly to serve as a reminder for our faithful folks to pray for the ministries and upcoming Pastors’ School (July), Missions Conference (August), and Music School & Revival (November). My family is definitely looking forward to hosting the American pastors and evangelists who will be coming for those meetings. The kids [pictured] and I have already been encouraged by the good news we received from Sabrina’s doctor about last month's appendectomy (the test results showed that the procedure was definitely needed), and she is feeling much better.

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