May/June '23

On the 14th of May, Truth Baptist Church celebrated an anniversary 17 years to the day that it was founded. It turned out to be our largest attendance on the property with about 400. We were glad to host Evangelist Doug Neary of A Look at the Book Ministries for the commemorative service, and I used the occasion to announce the rebirth of our bus ministry, as three buses were used that day. On the last Sunday of May, one of our supporting pastors, Bro. Ben Lang of Temple Baptist Church in Muncie (Indiana), preached the 8th anniversary service for Grace & Glory Baptist Church. There were 158 in attendance, including 53 visitors. 

At the beginning of May, I was privileged to have an evangelist friend pay for Noah (my 3rd son) and me to join him in visiting Missionary Kevin Wynne's work in Mexico City. We were truly challenged by the ministries and focus of the largest independent Baptist church in the world. It was an honor to speak in a couple of their Sunday school classes and teach in their college of nearly 300 students. The trip was special for Noah as he made some new missionary kid friends and also won several people to Christ during their church-wide soulwinning. 

Other notable events of these two months included the completion of our 26th semester of Providence Baptist College & Seminary. Six students have finished their training, and 30 more are now serving in 12-week internships at their home churches and various other host ministries. Sadly, Chindo Solomon was our first student to have his schooling cut short by a disease that ended his time on this earth. On May 24th, I preached to a full auditorium in Chindo’s hometown, and several hundred people who gathered for his funeral heard the same Gospel that he preached faithfully during his years as a student pastor at one of our local area church plants. Lastly, the first two weeks of June was the survey trip for Coty and Allyson Powers, who quickly befriended our family when we “met” through social media contacts a few months ago. Please pray for them as they continue to raise support to come to Nigeria fully as missionaries.  

Our June ended with another trip to Kumasi to partner with the FBMI Ghana Team in conducting their 4th Student Missions Institute for Training in Evangelism. This camp was unique in that it was their first graduation for 12 of the students who were faithful to each of the first four years. There was a record total of 120 registered from several churches; they conducted 19 five-day Bible clubs with 1335 children enrolled and 626 personally counseled for salvation. I was happy to have Victoria and Brian join me for this great week.

Global Baptist Church Planters has partnered with our ministry since 2015 to help us plant numerous churches. The following is a description of their newly launched Global Baptist Initiative: 
In our travels to meet with our Partner missionaries and our Pioneer church planters, we have constantly been confronted with the needs of the national pastors - needs that reach beyond the monthly support we provide. In cases of catastrophe, we have raised support to rebuild destroyed churches and parsonages, but Global Baptist Church Planters has remained focused on church planting and providing ongoing support to Pioneers. Being aware of the challenges faced by the church planters and their families, however, has moved our hearts. We could address these challenges with little difficulty, yet they are nearly insurmountable to our national friends. A need of $5000 might as well be $5 million to them. With these needs in mind and through the stirring of the Holy Spirit, GBCP has prayerfully decided to create a pipeline for American dollars to be directed toward the needs of our Pioneer brethren. Allow me to share with you some examples:
* A church in Nigeria is in a village whose well has run dry. People are walking miles to source water from surrounding villages. Funds for a well would create a sure water supply for the church members and the villagers as well. It would make the church a force for good in the eyes of the people.
* A church has no roof on their facility. They have literally made and stacked bricks for the walls, but that effort cost them all that they had. A roof would provide shelter for the congregation and act as floor space for another level when weather permits.
* A church planter has started two churches. He must travel back and forth between the two congregations to keep them going. Travel by walking is very difficult. A used motorcycle would make such a difference.
It is with great excitement that we announce Global Baptist Church Planters has launched a parallel ministry called the Global Baptist Initiative. The mission statement of this Initiative is: Helping People That Are Reaching People. GBI will provide ministries and individuals in the US an opportunity to make a profound difference in the lives of our current and former national Pioneers. Should the Lord lead you to participate, your donations will remove roadblocks that potentially hinder the spread of the gospel. The ministry of Global Baptist Church Planters will continue its focus on establishing churches around the world. That effort will not be diminished by the arrival of the Initiative. These are two separate ministries. One to provide the funds to start and build churches; one to provide the means to deal with the major challenges of the ministries. Peachtree Road Baptist Church will continue to provide oversight and direction to both entities.  Please consider joining us in this new endeavor. You have given sacrificially to start these churches. Would you now prayerfully consider helping these same churches prevail in the fight?
Dr. Jay Reed, Director GBCP and GB

Missionary Patricia Hamburg, serving in Nigeria for more than 20 years and with us since 2011, included more highlights in her prayer letter:
The annual Soulwinning and Leadership Conference was preached and taught to a packed house! Our preachers this year were Pastor Ken Shinn from Lighthouse Baptist Church in Colombia MS and Missionary Evangelist Curtis Hall from Best Missions, Bangkok Thailand. Our host Pastor Mark Holmes and Assistant Pastor Justin Nenge also preached and taught. Split sessions were available to the men, women, and singles. I really enjoy these conferences. The in-depth, relative topics, and question and answer sessions, fellowship, and renewal of past acquaintances, are such blessings to me. Updates on the various ministries at Truth Baptist Church and Grace and Glory Baptist Church were presented each evening.
The CLI prison ministry is growing. Churches all around Nigeria are reaching out with the Bible materials to correctional facilities in their areas. Recently I spoke and taught at the local Women’s prison and the response to the gospel was amazing. I addition to the “Christian” inmates, 3 Muslim ladies came forward to receive Christ.
Our “Friends of the Deaf” continues to grow as more of our members meet weekly to learn sign language. During a recent Sunday session, a baby, born of deaf parents was dedicated after the service.
The seminary has now moved into the new addition of the hostel. Classes and sessions are now taught there. Except for Thursday and Sunday services, our school “Foundation Baptist Academy” has expanded into the entire auditorium and classrooms there. 
In May, donations to complete the building on the hill are being realized. Work has started on the property to clear the grounds and construct the wall and road access to reach the new building. 
Yesterday was the 17th Anniversary Celebration of Truth Baptist Church. Standing room only as people packed the house. Many came forward to receive Jesus as Savior. Our Guest preacher was Evangelist Doug Neary from the USA.

March/April '23

In the middle of March, we received not only an amazing opportunity but also a well-timed answer to prayer. White Oak Baptist Church in Stratford, Connecticut, arranged for Sabrina and me to be their special guests during the church’s annual missions conference. I spoke six times in four days, met several new missionary and church friends, enjoyed the fellowship and activities, and was honored by the generous gifts and royal treatment that my wife and I received. Sabrina had been praying that we could see our oldest son before his upcoming August visit, and we were able to take three days before the conference to visit Joseph [pictured with my mom and brother], tour his school, see relatives, and soak up some “tastes of home” in the Baton Rouge area. 

For the first time since 2014, we were thrilled to host our pastor friend who helped me conduct our initial six Soul Winning & Leadership Conferences (SWLC), Bro. Ken Shinn of Lighthouse Baptist Church in Columbia, Mississippi [pictured being honored by Pastor Adewale]. He joined Missionary Evangelist Curtis Hall for Truth Baptist Church’s 14th SWLC in Abuja. We welcomed pastors and workers from more than 40 churches, and for the first time, there was a full day dedicated to well-received lessons and sermons on marriage. Bro. Hall then traveled with me for the 5th  SWLC that we have held in Aba, Abia State. There are now 10 different churches who have hosted our special meetings which are designed to help independent Baptist churches throughout Africa’s most populous nation. 

Other highlights for these two spring months included the hosting of potentially new missionaries to Nigeria, the Barker family. Then, a first-ever two-day seminar was held for preachers who are currently reaching their local prisons or who desire to get access to inmates in their area for preaching and discipleship; great Easter services were experienced in both churches where our family is involved, and an ordination [council pictured] was accomplished for one of our institute graduates and longtime Truth Baptist Church member who now pastors in a nearby village. For our seminary, a four-day AWANA (Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed) training was conducted, and students were able to participate in a 10-day outreach to a church more than a 12-hour drive away, where, through their efforts in soul-winning and Bible clubs, more than 700 people were saved.   

Unexpectantly, we received a sizable investment from an anonymous donor for the building of a new Truth Baptist Church auditorium on the other side of our property. For years, we have sought permission from government authorities to use an already-existing foundation for our first church; during the expansion of our seminary hostel, the development control department finally approved our plans. It should take about $60,000 to add pillars and a roof to make the area usable on Sundays, and we have already received one-third of what is needed! There is still much work to do on our previous project (plumbing, electrical, ceilings, and flooring), but please join us in prayer and consider donating as we take the steps to add a needed building that will truly help our church to grow. 

Jeremy Barker, missionary on deputation to Nigeria, wrote in his prayer letter a summary of his family's visit to us: 
In Abuja I was able to spend time with veteran missionary Mark Holmes, as well as Daniel Lang, Graham Young, and over 40 national pastors. Drawing from their wealth of knowledge and experience was a tremendous help. I also had the opportunity to do the following: 
• Attend an inaugural Prison Ministry seminar.
• Preach in chapel at Providence Baptist College.
• Teach an adult Sunday School class.
• Preach with a Hausa interpreter at the City of Refuge (a shelter for Christians escaping persecution in Muslim occupied areas of Nigeria).
• Tour the facilities of an orphanage and meet with the children & staff.
• Go soul winning with a group of nationals.
• Visit 2 different churches.
• Visit various church members in their homes.
• Sit in during discipleship of a newly converted Christian who wants to get baptized.

Missionary Evangelist Curtis Hall of BEST Missions described his visit to our ministry:
I traveled to Nigeria, Africa, and spent 15 days with Missionary Mark Holmes. I arrived in Nigeria on Good Friday and was honored to preach at both churches Bro. Holmes has started in the capital city 
of Abuja. On the 10th, Bro. Holmes kicked off their 14th Soul Winning and Leadership Conference at Truth Baptist Church in Abuja. There were 37 churches registered for the conference, over 40 different Pastors, Evangelists, and Missionaries as well as 40 Seminary students. Quite a few church members from the 37 registered churches came as well. The church building was so full each night that there were people outside the building listening. I shared the pulpit and teaching sessions with Bro. Holmes, Assistant Pastor Justin Nenge, and Pastor Ken Shinn from Mississippi. There were many decisions made by those in attendance and six men surrendered to preach. BEST Missions was able to help supply every Pastor with a two-volume set of Sunday School lessons provided by Pastor Scott Baker of Faith Baptist in Belleville, IL. I was also able to present a leather Bible to the five young men who will be graduating from the Seminary. 
After the conference in Abuja, Bro. Holmes and I traveled to Aba, Nigeria, to conduct a Soul Winning and Leadership Conference for Pastor Chibuike and Faith Baptist in Aba. There were 15 different churches registered for the conference. There were several visitors who came on Sunday who trusted Christ as Saviour, seven of those were adults. At the close of the conference on Tuesday night, there were four more adults who trusted Christ as Saviour. 
Missionary Daniel and Erin Lang hosted me in their home again for this trip. I greatly appreciate them helping me adjust to the weather and other conditions in Nigeria. I recorded the inside temperature at one point in their home at 94 degrees! All the missionaries working with Bro. Holmes I would recommend, but I have had the opportunity to stay and observe the Langs in a private setting, I highly recommend them if you are looking for a missionary family. 

January/February '23

After a relaxing Christmas holiday, the year started busily and victoriously as we quickly realized that this would be a historic semester for our full-time ministry training school. Providence Baptist College & Seminary welcomed a record 13 new students for a total enrollment of 40 [pictured out soulwinning with intern, Katie Holt] for the first time ever. Our part-time ministry training school also broke new ground by having three of our new missionaries teaching classes both on Saturday afternoons and Sunday evenings. We are keeping the regular Truth Baptist evening service schedule and making space for discipleship meetings and Temple Baptist Institute courses. 

January 22nd was a highlight for our ministry as the second floor of our dormitory was dedicated with prayer and a special service where my missionary mentor, Ron Gensaw [pictured with former members of the church he started], gave a testimony. Humanly speaking, we would not have the property or the church without the guidance of the one who first welcomed my family to Nigeria in 2005, and it was a privilege to host him for the first time in 14 years. 

As has been the case over the last several years, any two-month period is filled with travels and conferences. I was able to take Brian with me on a trip to Enugu in January to visit three different ministries and intervene in a church that needed help. A special Missions Sunday and stewardship banquet was held at Grace & Glory Baptist [pictured above] on the last Sunday of January. Next, Missionary Evangelists [pictured with the conference hosts]

Jim Belisle from FBMI and Don Wattenbarger of Bibles Beyond Boundaries joined with me to conduct a Pastors’ & Workers Conference in Ogbomoso and a Soul Winning & Leadership Conference in Jos during the first two weeks of February. Other visitors included an intern from Vision Baptist Missions and the parents and sisters of Mrs. Olivia Young, who has been serving here with her husband since August of last year. 

A final high point for the first two months of 2023 was the start of a new ministry inspired by the co-pastor of Grace & Glory, Adewale Adesina. Three missions-themed youth conferences, under the tagline of “Who Will Go,” have been planned in different regions of Nigeria [Ibadan conference delegation pictured. Special features of each youth meeting are mission-themed sermons and lessons from our new missionaries, forums with those interested in missions, and follow-up to guide potential future ministers through the process of training and launching. Please pray for the long-term effects of these conferences and also for our country as we are entering a potentially tense election season. 

Missionary Evangelist Jeff Walters included in his prayer letter an update on the Bible clubs and Bible studies that our seminary students conduct each semester:
We thank the Lord for His blessings and strength. We also thank God for the life of our supporting brothers around us Evangelist Jeff Walters and Pastor Mark Holmes. This just concluded month was focused on keeping our clubbers in the club. We started a contest that included a rule that if a clubber did not attend all the weeks, he/she would not be able to participate in questions and answers to win prizes or gifts. We have not yet completed the series of lessons that we planned but already, over 700 souls have professed Christ as their Lord and Saviour during our emphasis. This month, one of the plans that is a priority is to set a time to meet with our clubbers parents once again through visitations to their houses. This will enable us to witness to many about salvation again. 
The House Fellowship and Bible Study cells are also doing very well to the glory of God. Please, pray with us. We need strength for the teachers and spiritual growth for all our clubbers. As we have stated in our previous reports that, the acquisition of games materials and other logistics needed in the ministry has helped the ministry moving forward and children are happy to be part of it. Glory be to God, this passed month we had a successful AWANA Seed Planters training for all the Seminarians. 31 seminary students were trained on the importance of children ministry, Especially in having AWANA as part of their children and teenagers training in their various churches. We covet your prayers as you supports, and we are ready to do more as God leads and strengthen us all. 

November/December '22

In the history of our ministry, I don’t know that we have ever experienced a span of six weeks that was more packed with activity than the eleventh month of 2022 through the first twelve days of December. November 1st and 2nd were the closing services of another successful Missions & Leadership Conference at Independent Baptist Church of Port Harcourt [presentation from PBC&S graduates pictured] with Missionary Evangelists Jeff Walters, Denton Bell, and Jim Belisle. The trio of guest preachers also partnered with me for a Pastors & Workers Fellowship at Victory Independent Baptist Church of Ibadan the next week. 

Not long after those visitors returned to America, we welcomed Pastor Jay Reed [pictured with 3 graduates] and his son, Austin, of Global Baptist Church Planters, who joined Missionary Evangelist Curtis Hall of BEST Missions for a Spirit Renewal Meeting that was hosted by both Abuja churches where I am co-pastoring. Grace & Glory and Truth Baptist each conducted a soul-winning Saturday, regular Sunday services, and a weekday revival service. An open house for Providence Baptist College & Seminary was held on Monday, and many area pastors (several who have been helped by Global) were present. Bro. Hall then joined my family, Ms. Pat, and three missionary couples working with us for the 4th Annual Soul-Winning & Leadership Conference at Zion Independent Baptist Church in Jos. The fellowship among us foreigners and with the members and area pastors was wonderful, and our drive together to and from Plateau State was successful. 

While the Youngs, Patricks, Christiansens, Langs, [men pictured with me] and Ms. Pat all gathered at our house for Thanksgiving, Truth Baptist Church, along with Missionary Olawale Orekan, hosted the first annual camp for our Friends of the Deaf ministry. More than 120 Nigerian deaf people gathered for the multi-day event that concluded on Sunday with dozens professing salvation and thirteen following the Lord in baptism. It was especially gratifying to see our staff organize a program from start to finish with very little involvement from me. The dawn of a new month did not slow things down, as Mrs. Emily Christiansen organized our pastors’ wives and other missionary wives for an inaugural Women of Truth ladies’ conference. A Thursday and Friday youth conference followed soon after at Truth Baptist Church, and our almost overwhelming schedule concluded with a refreshing first-ever marriage retreat for Grace & Glory Baptist Church hosted by Missionary Garan Patrick.  

Our break officially began with the Providence Baptist College & Seminary students writing their last exam on December 15. Both of our churches held cantatas on the 11th and 18th, Sabrina [Victoria, pictured, joining her to play] and I hosted a staff holiday fellowship at our house on the 23rd, and it felt like home once again to have all the missionaries with us after church on Christmas Day. Our kids opened presents on Christmas Eve, and the next week included a special three nights at
a local hotel where we filled the days with games, fellowship, and going out to eat. Thank you for your support and prayers throughout 2022!

Missionary Patricia Hamburg shared more details of these 2 months in her prayer letter:
On our annual Thanksgiving and Spirit Renewal Meeting combined with a Saturday Soul-winning Day and Seminary Open House we were privileged to listen to great men of God, Brother Denton Bell, Evangelist James Belisle, Brother Curtis Hall, Evangelist Jay Reed and Pastor Austin Reed who preached lessons on thankfulness, gratitude, reaching all nations, and struggling through the trials of life. We were so blessed to have these faithful visitors willing to come to Nigeria to minister to us.
The 3-day annual Soul-winning and Leadership in Zarazon, Plateau State was a success. Many pastors and their wives travelled to listen and learn from Pastor Ayuba, Bro. Curtis Hall, and Mark Holmes.
Truth Baptist Church held its first 3-day program for the “Friends of the Deaf ministry”. We were joined by Pastor Orekon and Pastor Shola who pastor at other deaf ministries in Nigeria. It was standing room only in the auditorium. TBC workers and interpreters as well as some of our seminary students participated (many improved their sign language skills). I was blessed to teach 2 classes for the deaf women on Friday and Saturday. Talks are underway for another conference in 2023.
Missionary Mrs. Emily Christiansen held a day of teaching for the “Women of Truth” ladies. The theme was “A Godly Heritage”. A significant number of our TBC ladies and older teens attended and were taught by pastor and missionary wives. My lesson detailed what it’s like to serve the Lord after age 50 and beyond. Great music, fellowship, and food. She is planning a 3-day conference for National pastor’s wives in 2023.
Pastor Justin & Mrs. Nenge, and I travelled to Benue State to a traditional wedding. On Sunday we attended Praise and Glory Baptist Church (Pastor Moses Nyiku) to teach and preach there. We had the opportunity to speak with the manager of Benue Television regarding a series of TV episodes in TIV language sharing the Gospel. Our Pastor Hange, RockWay Baptist Church, is interested to working this ministry.
The week before Christmas was a busy one to share and celebrate with the new missionary families here in Nigeria (Patricks, Youngs, Langs and Christiansens) at three gatherings with the Holmes Family.

September/October '22

On the first weekend in September, I had the honor of preaching in the church Missionary David Maskey [pictured with graduates from a previous SMITE] started nearly thirty years ago in the southeast part of Nigeria. That Friday was the conclusion of our 7th Student Missions Institute for Training in Evangelism for that church. 130 young people from 16 churches enrolled to learn about how to conduct children's Bible clubs; they ran 26 five-day clubs with over 1300 children enrolled and nearly 700 professing salvation. On Sunday, a baby dedication was held for the family of the church’s national co-pastor; Pastor Royal and his wife are both graduates of our seminary.

Every semester for the last two years, our Providence Baptist College & Seminary students have done a concentrated evangelistic outreach to benefit a local church outside of Abuja. Earlier this year, they went to Praise & Glory Baptist of Makurdi, Benue State. Their soul-winning, street preachings, and film showings yielded 105 salvations during the week; that Sunday, ten of their converts visited the church, and six were baptized. The pastor, our graduate, remarked that “the vision of the college to have these outreaches is very instrumental in church planting.” This semester, for six days in October, our students traveled to Cross River State to help our graduate, Pastor Michael Solomon, at IBC Ogoja. These trips have proven to be great experiences for the current students [pictured after a soccer match] and are mentioned often by our graduates.

Our four new missionary couples [pictured at our home for Thanksgiving] have fully jumped into being involved in our ministry training schools and local church plants. They are busy with soul-winning, pulpit supply, church visitation, school outreaches, prison ministry, Bible clubs (and follow-up on parents of the Bible club kids), discipleship programs, home Bible studies, youth meetings, and college chapel preaching, along with our regular schedule of attending church services, staff meetings, conferences, and camps. The most exciting to me, though, is the number of new institutes that have been started this year with their involvement. In nine different Bible-believing churches during 2022, our Temple Baptist Institute curriculum has been introduced during weekend programs, mainly conducted alongside Evangelist Tunde Ajayi. The weekend program consists of outreach with the church members, sermons that encourage more members to train for the ministry, planning sessions with the pastor to determine the best course schedule, and sample classes to introduce the institute concept to everyone. We are already seeing the effectiveness of these programs to get more people equipped for service.

Now that the roof is on our seminary dormitory building, we are moving to the next phase of our plans for the second floor. Recently, about $8300 came in, allowing us to do some finishing work on the flooring and walls [plaster work pictured] to get the building ready for the ceiling (estimated at $7000) and floor tiles (likewise costing about $7000). The remaining windows and doors will cost about $5000, and then we will move on to the various plumbing and electrical works. Already we can begin using some of the space, but we would be glad for any additional donations to help us complete the project. Thanks so much for praying!

July/August '22

On August 18th, we returned to the field to begin our 18th year as FBMI missionaries in Nigeria. For the first time as a family, we endured four flights, but everyone adjusted well, and God has kept us healthy. Missionaries Graham and Olivia Young were waiting for us in our home, having arrived about five days before; they quickly found a vehicle and place to stay, yet we were glad to have them around for a few weeks of good fellowship prior to their move into an apartment.Before our departure from Louisiana, several milestones were recognized. Birthdays for Brian (15) and Ladonna (8) were celebrated, and, upon our arrival, Aaron counted down the days for his 4th birthday on September 10th. In July, Sabrina and I with our three teens traveled to the church where I was ordained 19 years ago for their 50th Youth Conference [pictured]; I was honored to give two “Missions Moment” testimonies at the same meeting where God called me to preach 28 years before. FBMI held its Missions University during the week of youth conference, and I had the privilege (for the 6th time) of teaching multiple classes while Sabrina had her first opportunity to address the missionary ladies in a split session. 
With contributions from our sending church and five other meetings where I reported during our last two months of furlough in July and August, the need I presented concerning the roof of our dormitory has been more than fulfilled, and we are moving forward with plastering the walls on the second floor [pictured]. Once the roof is actually attached, I will give more details on what it will take to add windows, doors, electrical, plumbing, ceiling, and tiles in the next phase of work. Thank you for partnering with us in this project.
A new semester of Providence Baptist College & Seminary [student body pictured] with five new students started the day before our arrival to Abuja. The next week, our 11th Student Missions Institute for Training in Evangelism was held at Truth Baptist Church. At the beginning of August, the 5th Annual S.M.I.T.E. in Ogbomoso was organized successfully in my absence. Between the two youth camps, there were 234 campers from 54 churches; they conducted 48 Bible clubs with 2293 children enrolled and 1370 who professed salvation. 

May/June '22

The main reason for this furlough, Joseph’s high school graduations, took place during the third week of May after a brief “senior trip” in our nation’s capital upon our arrival from Nigeria. Mark Joseph, Jr. [pictured with our sending pastor] walked with Abeka Academy and also took part in our sending church’s school graduation. On the second day of May, I was happy to receive my Master of Education degree from West Coast Baptist College through their online program. Our family took the opportunity to have a vacation in California that week, including revisiting the area where Sabrina and I honeymooned over twenty years ago. In the middle of the month, our family enjoyed time in Houston with Sabrina’s father and his family. 

Our furlough travels have been productive for the ministry and pleasant for my wife and kids. I have taken solo trips to Florida, North Carolina, and Iowa [host pastor and guest preachers pictured] to preach missions conferences and emphasis days. Our kids have taken part in the Summer Missionary Institute for Training and Evangelism in Louisiana, along with three weeks of Bible club blitzes, and different members of our family traveled for junior camp and youth camp with Sabrina’s home church in Baton Rouge. Sabrina and I were thrilled to travel alone to take part in three mid-week services and a training class for Vision Baptist Missions in the Atlanta area at the end of June.

In my absence, our Nigerian staff completed the 3rd Student Missions Institute for Training in Evangelism in Kumasi, partnering with FBMI’s Ghana Team. Also, in partnership with our new missionaries, our deacons and staff have conducted several big days in Truth Baptist: Police Appreciation Sunday with 30 visiting officers [pictured], Friends of the Deaf Anniversary with over 20 visitors, the church’s 16th Anniversary with many special activities, and a Friend Day with around 115 guests! For Grace & Glory Baptist, a Family and Father’s Day brought many visitors, our first Vacation Bible School is scheduled, and a month-long Sunday School program has promoted outreach and faithfulness.

As this prayer letter is being written, I have sent off the money needed to buy the materials to add the roof to the second floor [pictured] of our Providence Baptist College & Seminary. God has allowed for most of that money to be raised during our furlough, and we are trusting him for the $8000 remaining to pay for labor and any remaining materials. Our mission board still has a special page for this project if you wish to learn more: 

Missionary Ted Speer included and update on Ghana S.M.I.T.E. in the following prayer letter: 

One aspect of Missionary Mark Holmes’ ministry is training young people how to evangelize children through the use of Bible Clubs. This training ministry is called SMITE, which stands for “Student Missions Institute for Training in Evangelism.” Camps are held to train teens and young adults how to conduct these Bible Clubs. Mornings are filled with teaching and training. In the afternoons of the camp, the campers go out, organized by groups, to conduct Bible Clubs in the local neighborhoods. In the evenings, they have singing, games, and preaching. Camps are held yearly, and there are different levels of instruction based upon how many years a camper has participated.

In 2018, our church first partnered with Missionary Mark Holmes’ ministry to conduct a SMITE camp in Ghana. This was a great help to our church and to all who participated. We held our second SMITE camp the following year. Due to COVID restrictions, we were unable to host a SMITE camp in 2020 or 2021. But then last month, we had the joy of conducting our third SMITE camp. Brother Holmes sent three men from Nigeria to help us conduct the camp: Pastor Adewale Adesina, Pastor Peter Akinwumi, and Evangelist Babatunde Ajayi. Our team missionaries, Charles Osgood and Micah Christiansen, were also involved in the teaching. Brother Osgood and our staff man, Stephen Opoku, helped organize the entire week.

Seventy-one of our own teens and young adults attended SMITE camp. They were joined by 39 more campers from Lighthouse Baptist Church in Tema, pastored by Missionary Fredrick Kearney, and from three of our daughter churches, which are led by our graduates Jonas Osei-Owusu, Rexford Aning, and Kingsley Addai. In the afternoons, these 100 campers divided into teams and conducted 18 Bible Clubs all throughout the community. Because of their efforts, about 971 children attended the various clubs, and 427 children made professions of faith. In one of the featured images above is one of the campers, Felicia Owusuwaah, with some of the children who have started coming to our church as a result of one Bible Club held during SMITE camp.

In addition to God blessing the efforts of these campers, He also worked in their hearts during the week. Many of the campers made life-changing decisions for the Lord. Several Bible Clubs have already been started as a result of the training that was received. Thank you for your continued prayers!

March/April '22

We were truly privileged to help three new missionaries adjust to living and serving in Nigeria last year. In 2022, the Lord is adding a fourth couple, this time from Vision Baptist Missions. Graham and Olivia Young, along with their Africa field director [all 3 pictured at our Abuja airport], took their survey trip in early March, and they are planning to move here fully in July. They have been blessed during their deputation process, and we are thrilled about having them here soon to begin working with us.

Our independent Baptist movement in Nigeria has an interesting history in that the first churches in the late 70’s and early 80’s were planted by Nigerians who trained in American Christian colleges, raised their support in the U.S., and returned to their home country to eventually become “patriarchs” for dozens of missionaries and pastors who would follow their lead. Over the years, God has given me the privilege to befriend, serve with, and be influenced by these seven founders in various ways. In the middle of March, I was given the high honor of being the funeral service preacher for Dr. David Jacobs, who ended his 80 years [burial picture below] on earth in January and left behind four strong churches, numerous graduates who were mentored by his teaching, and a wonderful family with five children. Even though he had already been serving here for 25 years before our arrival, Dr. Jacobs greatly intreated me with opportunities to preach his first church’s anniversary service, to train one of his preachers at our college, and to join us for a recent seminary commencement. He was truly “apt to teach,” and I join others who will miss his great spirit and inspiration.   

In early April, both churches in which our family are involved honored us with special services for Joseph. In anticipation of us bringing him back to the U.S. for college, our deacons and pastors had a “send-off” prayer over our first-born at the end of the morning services on the first two Sundays. Joseph was showered with gifts [pictured] and well-wishes, and our whole family felt truly loved by our members. On April 12th, our family departed Nigeria for a four-month furlough. We will attend three graduations in May, and much of June and July will be spent visiting family and helping Joseph to settle in for life in America. For now, his plans are to live with Sabrina’s mom and attend a local community college in the fall. 

January/February '22

With this ministry update, I am completing 20 years of writing prayer letters; we sent out our first mailing four months before starting full time deputation. Throughout our initial two years of fundraising and communicating in the U.S., we made it clear that our goals were ministry training and church planting, but we certainly could not predict that we would be able to report that 47 churches have now been started through those trained in our ministry. 12 more potential church planters [pictured bottom] received their degrees and diplomas as Providence Baptist College & Seminary conducted its 7th Commencement [pictured above] in January, bringing the total number of graduates through our institutes and college to 160. Missionary Evangelist Curtis Hall of BEST Missions did us the honor of being the keynote at the graduation, held at Truth Baptist Church, and then preaching a Missions Sunday [handbill pictured] for Grace & Glory Baptist Church. 

Bro. Hall also helped us to put on the first of six Soul-Winning & Leadership Conferences planned for this year. Independent Baptist Church of Calabar welcomed 18 different ministries for their semi-annual Sunday through Wednesday meeting. In February, Missionary Evangelists Jim Belisle and Don Wattenbarger [pictured] conducted a Pastors and Workers Conference in Ogbomoso. There is no host church that works harder than Faith Baptist, and they always have the most preachers present. Lastly, our Truth Baptist Church in Abuja held the 13th Annual Soul Winning & Leadership Conference with both guest preachers. We were thankful to have about 35 churches represented, and, unique to this year, each session was interpreted into both sign language and Hausa. 

Right after Christmas, I traveled with our co-pastor, Adewale Adesina, to conduct the funeral service of a trustee and founding member of Grace & Glory Baptist Church. The family was very happy that we were able to make the flight and additional two-hour drive into Abia state for the burial. That weekend, I had the privilege of preaching at a fairly new church plant of one of our graduates. Then, Pastor Thomas Adesoye gave me the honor of preaching at his Grace Independent Baptist Church in Uyo. Finally, it was a joy to visit the home villages of Truth Baptist’s co-pastor [pictured] and his wife, Bro. and Mrs. Emmanuel Okoh, before flying back the next day.  

November/December '21

As is the case with many of our prayer letters, this one begins similarly with a report of two successful Soul-Winning & Leadership Conferences in Port Harcourt and Ibadan. Evangelist Jeff Walters flew directly to Port Harcourt and preached for the Maskeys [pictured below] on the last Sunday of October, while Evangelist Craig Bryan arrived in Abuja for his first visit to Nigeria. Bro. Bryan preached in both churches where our family is involved, and then we traveled together for the conference in the southeast region. Upon their arrival back to Abuja, Bro. Walters and Bro. Bryan conducted an Open House [pictured] for Providence Baptist College & Seminary. They preached and presented their ministries, and then we had a special time of prayer for the ongoing work on our dormitory building. At both conferences and during the Open House, Bro. Bryan enjoyed meeting the pastors whom he helps to support through the Ron Middleton Missions Outreach, which not only partners with us in church planting, but also has contributed greatly to our building program and assists an orphanage with whom we are associated.

A unique aspect of having our ministry in the capital city is that the great majority of our members are not from Abuja. Therefore, we do not host many funerals here; instead, the church will normally send representatives to the home village of any of our members who have passed on. So, when one of our trustees unexpectantly passed away in August, our church was shaken, but we were also thankful to be able to honor Dr. Wole Ajayi’s life in November at the church where he was a founding member and served faithfully for several years. On the night before the burial, a touching service of songs was held with plenty of singing, moving tributes, and messages by two pastors from Ibadan (where Dr. Ajayi also had filled the office as a trustee in two different churches). I had the honor of preaching the funeral service at Grace & Glory Baptist, and then we went with the family for the internment at a cemetery in town. Many thanks go to our co-pastor, Bro. Adewale Adesina, for his communicating with the family and officiating ministers, printing of programs, setting up at each venue, and planning of the orders of service.

In late December, after a two-week delay because of Covid complications, we were thrilled to welcome Caleb [pictured on institute advertisement] and Emily Christiansen with their daughter Emma. They’re the last of three missionaries that we’ve been expecting to arrive this year. The Christiansen family reached in time to take part in our traditional family activities of opening presents on Christmas Eve, a special Christmas Day service at Truth Baptist, a few days of recreation at a local hotel, and a New Year’s Day fellowship for Grace & Glory Baptist.

September/October '21

During our 17th year of service in Nigeria, we continue to see encouraging firsts throughout our ministry. On September 16th, 25 pastors joined me to dedicate with prayer the first-ever fully equipped production studio [ribbon for our independent Baptist churches in Africa’s most populous nation. Christian Media International raised the funds and sent a representative for the setup; then, a pastors’ fellowship [pictured left] was planned at Independent Baptist Church of Ibadan with singing, preaching, testimonies, and prayers. Announcements were made to let the preachers and church workers understand that the studio was for them to use media to get the Gospel out more effectively to their area and around the nation.
In October, Daniel [pictured with converts for baptism] & Erin Lang, along with their two children, became the first FBMI missionaries to arrive to Abuja since our family came in June of 2005. They have already found a home in the same estate where we reside and will be working with our staff at Truth Baptist Church until they start a ministry of their own. Missionary Lang has been preaching at our seminary chapel, participating in soul-winning and visitation, and speaking in TBC’s weekly youth meeting.
Since our inaugural enrollment in 2009, October of this year was the first time that Providence Baptist College & Seminary welcomed such a large group of new students. Our biggest-ever student body of 26 undergraduates includes eight young men beginning their first semester. The orientation had been delayed for nearly two months because of our building project, but all the seminarians were excited to see the progress. The second floor of the dormitory has been completed, and enough rooms on the ground floor have been restored for accommodating the students. At the time this letter is being written, we have started extending the pillars and constructing the walls [pictured] to reach the roofing level while we are trusting God for the remaining $25,000 that is needed to add the actual roof. For more information, go to  

We were pleased to witness both a Vacation Bible School and the last of our three 2021 Student Missions Institutes for Training in Evangelism conducted successfully at Truth Baptist Church in September. 42 churches total were represented by the 241 youth who attended the three SMITE camps in Nigeria. 55 bible clubs were conducted, 2607 children were enrolled, and 1540 were saved! We also had nearly 40 young people graduate from the four-year child evangelism training program.

July/August '21

Miraculously, we are well on our way to pulling off six pastors’ conferences, three youth camps, and two seminary semesters in 2021. The fourth of our scheduled Soul-Winning & Leadership Conferences was successfully held during the second weekend of July. Our assistant pastor, a deacon, and Ms. Pat Hamburg joined my whole family and Missionary Evangelist Don Wattenbarger of Bibles Beyond Boundaries for the second-ever SWLC in Jos [handbill pictured]. Multiple pastors and staff members came together for the preaching services, teaching sessions, and an introductory meeting to plan a full-time institute for Hausa-speaking pastors and their members in the region.  

Many of our supporters continue to ask about how the worldwide talk of vaccines and restrictions is affecting Nigeria. Thankfully, there have not been any new protocols, and the only major challenges to our ministry are some lingering effects of the changes to the school schedules from last year, which impacted the attendance at our three S.M.I.T.E.’s this year. We were thrilled to resume the Student Missions Institute for Training in Evangelism in Ogbomoso, and I was honored to preach their first graduation during the first week of August. 86 students registered, and 14 young people received four-year completion certificates on the last evening of the five-day camp. It was our privilege to host Missionary Evangelist Denton Bell of International World-Wide Evangelism to preach at both of our Abuja churches on the weekends before and after the 7th Port Harcourt S.M.I.T.E. Bro. Bell and I traveled together to Port Harcourt where we both preached multiple times to the 58 young people who enrolled [Bible club pictured]. Evangelist Tunde Ajayi conducted a Bible club Blitz in Ibadan with several S.M.I.T.E. graduates during the week between the two camps. I will share the totals of the camps and the blitz after the conclusion in September of our Abuja institute, which we delayed because of our building project.

Also in August, we celebrated the arrival of the first of four new missionaries, all coming fully in the next twelve months, who will work with us in some way as they get setup in Nigeria. Garan and Anneliese Patrick [pictured with Calabar pastor and wife], serving with Baptist International Missions Incorporated, will be ministering alongside Pastor Adewale Adesina at Grace & Glory Baptist Church while working with our college students and getting experience in various other ministries. Already, they’ve secured an apartment, purchased a vehicle, and processed necessary documents for becoming residents of Abuja. 

The Truth Baptist Church property has taken on a new look, as pillars were added and a foundation was poured [pictured] for the second floor of the Providence Baptist College & Seminary dormitory. Information about the project can be found at, and we covet your prayers, as more funds are needed for the walls and roofing. Simultaneous to that, we are continuing the development of our City of Refuge project, working towards the completion of the property fencing and a kitchen and toilet building.