July/August '24

Our furlough continued in July with a few Independence Day celebrations: fireworks at our sending church after the mid-week service, dinner at our pastor’s home the next evening, and activities at my
mom’s assisted living facility on the morning and afternoon of the 4th. The next week, our family did a mini-concert, ministry presentation, and Bible study for Mom’s friends at the Claiborne in Gulfport, where she has been living since just after Thanksgiving. It has been encouraging to see my mother improve in all facets of life over the last nine months. 

In mid-July, for the first-time ever, a Summer Missionary Institute for Training and Evangelism was conducted at a venue in the U.S. outside of Louisiana or Mississippi. Sabrina, her mother, and I, along with Joseph, Victoria, and Brian, were privileged to take part in New England S.M.I.T.E. [sightseeing in Philadelphia pictured after the camp], held on the campus of New England Baptist College. My pastor was the keynote speaker, and it was an honor to preach once on the same platform with Bro. Carr. We also were thrilled to have Sabrina’s home pastor (Bro. Bartlett) leading singing [pictured above during morning devotions], the founders of S.M.I.T.E. (the Purtells) teaching, and members of the Blitz team (from the Louisiana camp) helping us lead Bible clubs during the week. We’re thankful to Pastor Richard LeJeune and White Oak Baptist Church sponsoring the camp. A total of 51 people were registered and involved, and over 70 people were saved in the five-day clubs!

On August 8th, our family landed in Nigeria for a full month of activities. The week after we arrived, I was honored to be the keynote speaker for the Pastors & Workers Conference at Fundamental Baptist Church International in Kumasi, Ghana. Being with our FBMI Ghana Team is always an edifying time of fellowship, and it was a delight to teach and preach on the theme of Developing Leaders to the congregants who gathered from different churches for the morning and evening sessions [invitation during a youth session pictured]; Tuesday night was a high attendance of nearly 1000! In Nigeria, three Student Missions Institutes for Training in Evangelism [pictured below: blitz coordinator, director, level coordinator] were conducted in four weeks. A grand total of 475 young people registered, and they had 4726 children enrolled in 80 five-day clubs during the three weeks. On August 13th, a new semester of Providence Baptist College & Seminary began with 7 new students and 39 total men and ladies enrolled. Please pray with us for God to use our college students!  

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