July/August '23

The two months of summer opened with an American Independence Day celebration among our missionary families joined by a friend and fellow college administrator as our special guest. Pastor Ezra Owolabi of Blue Mountain Baptist College in Ogbomoso preached for us on the first Sunday of July, and we were privileged to have his whole family stay in our home and join us for the 4th of July festivities. 

Since Truth Baptist Church’s 17th Anniversary in mid-May, our staff has focused on six areas of growth that have helped to bring our average attendance to around 300 for the first time ever. We have baptized converts [special river baptism pictured] every Sunday except for one, added two new Sunday school classes, consistently run two (and sometimes three) buses into the local areas, revived a Saturday workers’ meeting, and gotten more men involved in doing a visitors’ meeting after the services (so that each man can focus on one or two visitors). The sixth area of emphasis is having several men do soul-winning every day; each of our staff members have picked a day to go out with two of our recent graduates and a couple of interns we had during the seminary break. These focus items culminated in a Friend Day in July where we had 522 people on property, another attendance record!

Other highlights included a new semester of Providence Baptist College & Seminary beginning in the middle of August with seven freshmen, bringing our total enrollment to 36 resident students. Grace & Glory Baptist Church installed a baptistery; before, we were using a church member’s swimming pool for baptisms. Our biggest family highpoint was hosting my oldest son, Joseph, and my mother-in-law [pictured together with Joseph's siblings] for nearly two weeks while he was on break from studying aviation at the local community college in my wife’s home area. He took part in our Abuja S.M.I.T.E.; I will give the totals of the three camps in our next letter. 

We have the following updates on our two building projects: floor tiles have been laid for the dormitory building, and the next step is the two bathrooms and ceiling fans in all rooms; the church property has been fenced, an access road has been added, and we’ve gotten a detailed estimate on what it will take to add pillars and a roof to our foundation for a new auditorium. Please allow me to add two other major prayer requests for your consideration. Our Foundations Baptist Academy is now in its third year and is needing several things in order to expand to a full grade school. About $7000 could buy necessary furniture, bookcases, playground equipment, and teaching materials. Lastly, the City of Refuge, our ministry that houses and trains former Muslims affected by persecution, needs about $5000 to complete kitchen and bathroom facilities. In January, this unique ministry will witness its first three seminary graduates receive their degrees, potentially to start churches in states where there are no independent Baptist churches; six currently enrolled seminary students [four pictured] were originally reached by the City of Refuge, so we feel this work is truly worthy of your investment!

Global Baptist Church Planters has partnered with our ministry since 2015 to help us plant numerous churches. The following is a description of their newly launched Global Baptist Initiative: 

In our travels to meet with our Partner missionaries and our Pioneer church planters, we have constantly been confronted with the needs of the national pastors - needs that reach beyond the monthly support we provide. In cases of catastrophe, we have raised support to rebuild destroyed churches and parsonages, but Global Baptist Church Planters has remained focused on church planting and providing ongoing support to Pioneers. Being aware of the challenges faced by the church planters and their families, however, has moved our hearts. We could address these challenges w

ith little difficulty, yet they are nearly insurmountable to our national friends. A need of $5000 might as well be $5 million to them. With these needs in mind and through the stirring of the Holy Spirit, GBCP has prayerfully decided to create a pipeline for American dollars to be directed toward the needs of our Pioneer brethren. Allow me to share with you some examples:

* A church in Nigeria is in a village whose well has run dry. People are walking miles to source water from surrounding villages. Funds for a well would create a sure water supply for the church members and the villagers as well. It would make the church a force for good in the eyes of the people.

* A church has no roof on their facility. They have literally made and stacked bricks for the walls, but that effort cost them all that they had. A roof would provide shelter for the congregation and act as floor space for another level when weather permits.

* A church planter has started two churches. He must travel back and forth between the two congregations to keep them going. Travel by walking is very difficult. A used motorcycle would make such a difference.

It is with great excitement that we announce Global Baptist Church Planters has launched a parallel ministry called the Global Baptist Initiative. The mission statement of this Initiative is: Helping People That Are Reaching People. GBI will provide ministries and individuals in the US an opportunity to make a profound difference in the lives of our current and former national Pioneers. Should the Lord lead you to participate, your donations will remove roadblocks that potentially hinder the spread of the gospel. The ministry of Global Baptist Church Planters will continue its focus on establishing churches around the world. That effort will not be diminished by the arrival of the Initiative. These are two separate ministries. One to provide the funds to start and build churches; one to provide the means to deal with the major challenges of the ministries. Peachtree Road Baptist Church will continue to provide oversight and direction to both entities.  Please consider joining us in this new endeavor. You have given sacrificially to start these churches. Would you now prayerfully consider helping these same churches prevail in the fight?

Dr. Jay Reed, Director GBCP and GB

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