November/December '22

In the history of our ministry, I don’t know that we have ever experienced a span of six weeks that was more packed with activity than the eleventh month of 2022 through the first twelve days of December. November 1st and 2nd were the closing services of another successful Missions & Leadership Conference at Independent Baptist Church of Port Harcourt [presentation from PBC&S graduates pictured] with Missionary Evangelists Jeff Walters, Denton Bell, and Jim Belisle. The trio of guest preachers also partnered with me for a Pastors & Workers Fellowship at Victory Independent Baptist Church of Ibadan the next week. 

Not long after those visitors returned to America, we welcomed Pastor Jay Reed [pictured with 3 graduates] and his son, Austin, of Global Baptist Church Planters, who joined Missionary Evangelist Curtis Hall of BEST Missions for a Spirit Renewal Meeting that was hosted by both Abuja churches where I am co-pastoring. Grace & Glory and Truth Baptist each conducted a soul-winning Saturday, regular Sunday services, and a weekday revival service. An open house for Providence Baptist College & Seminary was held on Monday, and many area pastors (several who have been helped by Global) were present. Bro. Hall then joined my family, Ms. Pat, and three missionary couples working with us for the 4th Annual Soul-Winning & Leadership Conference at Zion Independent Baptist Church in Jos. The fellowship among us foreigners and with the members and area pastors was wonderful, and our drive together to and from Plateau State was successful. 

While the Youngs, Patricks, Christiansens, Langs, [men pictured with me] and Ms. Pat all gathered at our house for Thanksgiving, Truth Baptist Church, along with Missionary Olawale Orekan, hosted the first annual camp for our Friends of the Deaf ministry. More than 120 Nigerian deaf people gathered for the multi-day event that concluded on Sunday with dozens professing salvation and thirteen following the Lord in baptism. It was especially gratifying to see our staff organize a program from start to finish with very little involvement from me. The dawn of a new month did not slow things down, as Mrs. Emily Christiansen organized our pastors’ wives and other missionary wives for an inaugural Women of Truth ladies’ conference. A Thursday and Friday youth conference followed soon after at Truth Baptist Church, and our almost overwhelming schedule concluded with a refreshing first-ever marriage retreat for Grace & Glory Baptist Church hosted by Missionary Garan Patrick.  

Our break officially began with the Providence Baptist College & Seminary students writing their last exam on December 15. Both of our churches held cantatas on the 11th and 18th, Sabrina [Victoria, pictured, joining her to play] and I hosted a staff holiday fellowship at our house on the 23rd, and it felt like home once again to have all the missionaries with us after church on Christmas Day. Our kids opened presents on Christmas Eve, and the next week included a special three nights at
a local hotel where we filled the days with games, fellowship, and going out to eat. Thank you for your support and prayers throughout 2022!

Missionary Patricia Hamburg shared more details of these 2 months in her prayer letter:
On our annual Thanksgiving and Spirit Renewal Meeting combined with a Saturday Soul-winning Day and Seminary Open House we were privileged to listen to great men of God, Brother Denton Bell, Evangelist James Belisle, Brother Curtis Hall, Evangelist Jay Reed and Pastor Austin Reed who preached lessons on thankfulness, gratitude, reaching all nations, and struggling through the trials of life. We were so blessed to have these faithful visitors willing to come to Nigeria to minister to us.
The 3-day annual Soul-winning and Leadership in Zarazon, Plateau State was a success. Many pastors and their wives travelled to listen and learn from Pastor Ayuba, Bro. Curtis Hall, and Mark Holmes.
Truth Baptist Church held its first 3-day program for the “Friends of the Deaf ministry”. We were joined by Pastor Orekon and Pastor Shola who pastor at other deaf ministries in Nigeria. It was standing room only in the auditorium. TBC workers and interpreters as well as some of our seminary students participated (many improved their sign language skills). I was blessed to teach 2 classes for the deaf women on Friday and Saturday. Talks are underway for another conference in 2023.
Missionary Mrs. Emily Christiansen held a day of teaching for the “Women of Truth” ladies. The theme was “A Godly Heritage”. A significant number of our TBC ladies and older teens attended and were taught by pastor and missionary wives. My lesson detailed what it’s like to serve the Lord after age 50 and beyond. Great music, fellowship, and food. She is planning a 3-day conference for National pastor’s wives in 2023.
Pastor Justin & Mrs. Nenge, and I travelled to Benue State to a traditional wedding. On Sunday we attended Praise and Glory Baptist Church (Pastor Moses Nyiku) to teach and preach there. We had the opportunity to speak with the manager of Benue Television regarding a series of TV episodes in TIV language sharing the Gospel. Our Pastor Hange, RockWay Baptist Church, is interested to working this ministry.
The week before Christmas was a busy one to share and celebrate with the new missionary families here in Nigeria (Patricks, Youngs, Langs and Christiansens) at three gatherings with the Holmes Family.

Missionary Evangelist Curtis Hall describes his visit: 

I arrived the evening of the 11th of November, and Missionary Daniel Lang was there to pick me up and host me on this trip. He and his wife, Erin, and two children have already been there over a year now assisting Bro. Holmes. They are doing a great job! Saturday morning, I preached the soul winning challenge to the folks of Truth Baptist then headed out to go soul winning with Bro. Lang. We were blessed to see a young couple in their 20’s trust Christ as Saviour. Bro. Lang told me they were at Truth Baptist the next morning. He is going to be following up with them about baptism and discipleship. On Sunday morning and evening Pastor Jay Reed from Georgia and I did a round robin for both church plants in Abuja. On Monday and Tuesday, we preached a revival meeting for Bro. Holmes at both the churches. On Monday morning, Bro. Holmes held an open house meeting for area Pastors for his Bible college. There were 25 different pastors in attendance as well as the 28 college students plus missionaries. I was honored to be asked to preach the closing message for the open house. Later that week we traveled four hours away to conduct a Soul Winning and Leadership Conference at Zion Baptist Church in Jos, Nigeria. There were 20 different pastors in attendance. On Friday evening I preached the closing message and 25 people walked the aisle to commit to being soul winners.

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